Linear regression - deep dive
In this tutorial we will suppose that we have a matrix of samples $X$ and the corresponding labels $Y$ and we want to find the coefficients $w$ such that $Y = w^T X$.
Basically, we want to characterize a function $f$ such that:
\[\begin{equation} f: X \rightarrow w_0 + \sum_{j=1}^p X_j w_j \tag{1} \end{equation}\]If the samples $X$ were not drawn from a linear distribution, we would not be able to find such function. This is a simple model and the data
are rarely linearly separable.
However it is still useful since it is a simple expressive model that requires few parameters. We need to find the hyperplan that fits the data as accurately as possible.
Let’s suppose we have a dataset of $((x_i, y_i))_{i \in {1..N}}$
Then we would need a loss function to tell us how good our solution is. The most popular method is the least squares where the loss function is the
residual sum of squares:
The problem is then:
min_{w} L(X, Y, w) \tag{3}
Actually, we can write $L(X,Y,w)$ in matricial form:
\[\begin{equation} L(X,Y,w) = (y - X w)^T (y - X w) \tag{4} \end{equation}\]We have a quadratic problem which we can differenciate with respect to $w$:
\[\begin{gather} \frac{\partial L(X,Y,w)}{\partial w} = -2 X^T (y - Xw) \tag{5} \\ \\ \frac{\partial^2 L(X,Y,w)}{\partial w \partial w^T} = 2 X^T X \tag{6} \end{gather}\]If $X$ has full rank, we can set the first derivative to $0$ and we obtain the unique solution:
\hat{w} = (X^T X)^{-1} X^T y \tag{7}
Then our function $f$ is:
Now if $X$ does not have full rank, $X^T X$ is singular and the solution is not unique.
On a geometric point of view, linear regression is a projection on the space spanned by the columns of $X$. In the case where $X$ does not have full rank, there are some redundancies between its columns. A usual way to solve this problem is to drop the redundant columns and get back to the full
rank case.
We may also use the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse in practice when we implement this solution.